Advice and Guidance
Keeping your child safe on the web is essential for us all to understand. Here are some simple but useful guidance documents to help you. The first is our online safety policy which specifies how we work online at St Michael’s with your children
The following advice sheets may also prove useful at home:
It is not easy being a parent or a teacher in the digital age. But you are not alone help is out there. It is very easy to be frightened about the dangers. Being aware is the way forward. We cannot turn off the internet, its benefits are enormous. It’s down side is its freedom for all to access anything and almost anyone. What we can do is give you the tools to understand how to guard your child and you against the downside.
Technology will move faster than you, but ultimately you decide how your box in your house and your phone receives what the internet sends, you only need to know how. The key is understanding the devices your child and you use. We have put together some basic advice sheets with links in some cases to web sites. Google searches can provide plenty of advice on the subject. But do take care if they suggest downloading a program that will solve your problem.
Useful Links…..