Pupil Leave of Absence From School
If you wish to request a term-time leave of absence for your child please complete the attached form below and return it to school via the contactus@st-michaels-lichfield.staffs.sch.uk email address.
Excited to learn with confidence together in God’s hands.
At St Michael’s we are guided by our Christian values to inspire one another; encouraging confident, committed and caring children to flourish through life’s journey.
“Love God with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your strength; and love your neighbour as yourself.”
Mark 12:33

Here at St Michael’s, as part of ATLP (the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership), we share an excitement to learn so that all members of our school community can flourish. Our delightful, enthusiastic and caring children are central to all that we aspire to achieve. We are proud of our rich curriculum, wealth of extra-curricular activities and strong links with our local community, especially St Michael’s Church. Our website merely provides a snapshot.
Please do contact us if you would like to visit us or find out more. (Please note that our OFSTED link implies that our school has closed. Now that we are part of ATLP we have a different link, but please use the existing link to access details of our latest OFSTED inspection.)
What our parents say:
‘Fabulous and highly encouraging school. Thank-you.’
‘We continue to be really impressed with St Michael’s both academically and culturally.’
‘My child has had the opportunity to take part in a number of clubs and competitions. All the staff have been really supportive and the students have made my child feel really welcome. The strong Christian values underpin all of the work the staff do here and I am glad we made the decision as parents to move my child to St Michael’s’
What our children say:
‘I really enjoyed my residential trip. It taught us life skills such as team work, courage and perseverance.’
‘I learned about Churchill and Hitler. Mr Hayward went deeper into the subject. He made us understand it better, so we will remember it for a long time. Also Evacuee Day made it real.’
‘I love Science as my teacher mixes the educational side with the fun side and this really helps us to learn. It is easier to remember because it is interactive physical learning.’

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
Train to Teach
- Provides QTS & PGCE
- High quality training in local schools
- Consistently high completion and employment rate
- Graduates & career changers welcome
Click here to find out how you can join Arthur Terry SCITT